Aminet 16
Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso
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Text File
106 lines
Short: CNet Amiga WHO Replacement Package!
Author: dotoran@bluemoon.net (david weeks)
Uploader: dotoran@bluemoon.net (david weeks)
Version: 2.65
Type: comm/cnet
Replace: aminet/comm/cnet/cnet_who.lha
Requires: AmigaOS 2/3.x, CNet Amiga, v3.05c/v4.23
Distribution: anywhere, everywhere, please mirror!
Modified to work on 3.xx thru 3.99 and v4.23 of CNet Amiga Pro...
-- v2.65 --
- Release Date: September 30, 1996!
- Bug fixes:
- CNet, v4.23 has a change made to the BBSIDENTIFY BBS command that
altered the format of the returned version string, which caused
problems in the routine used to choose the correct GETUSER values
to use.
- I noted in numerous places I was referring to the last version as
v2.46, instead of v2.64.
- Changes, Additions, etc.
- I replaced the ERROR CHECK routines with a newer version that will
disable MCI's in the "source" line display.
- Added support for the new "SuperUser" flag to all three modules,
as well as to the MAKEWHO module.
- To aid in use of the above, I also included text on how to DISABLE
the "SuperUser" flag in any user accounts on your system, as CNet
defaulted in ENABLING this flag for ALL users when it was first
introduced a few versions ago.
- Created AmigaGuide versions of the HISTORY and README file.
You will find three versions of the WHO command, each with it's own list
of features:
"Short Who" - The "W" Command:
~~~~~~~~~ ~
- Port Number (Scans ALL Loaded Ports. Will only display IDLE ports if
you have this enabled through CNet's CONFIG program!)
- User's Handle
- Where the User IS in your System!
- Conference Control Flag (+) Supported 100%. (This means that users on
other ports who try to Hide or Muffle a Conf. Controller will appear
to do so on THEIR screens, but will FAIL to do so on the Controller's
WHO screen, just like CNET!)
- Hiding "h", and Muffling "m" fully supported.
- Attempted Hiding "H", and Attempted Muffling "M" also supported!
(This is what a Conference Controller will see on their WHO screens
of user's who are trying to Hide or Muffle them!)
- Idle Ports now have the ability to show how LONG they've been Idle,
provided you have "Show Idle Ports" set in CONFIG!
- Occupied Ports that have been IDLE for LONGER than 5 minutes now tell
you this, so that you can get an idea as to whether or not the user
on the port is REALLY there or not!
- Fully colorized, with two separate HELP menus for beginning users!
"Normal Who" - The "WH" Command:
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
- Contains everything the "Short" format does, PLUS:
- Logon Time.
- Current CPS Rate (Baud/100).
- City, State, and Country User Hails From.
- User's Short, Internal CNet WHO Banner!
- Idle Ports can now use an optional IDLE Banner, a line of up to 54
characters that could possibly tell such info as phone numbers, baud
rates, times, etc. If an Idle Banner is NOT created, the user will be
shown the regular "<No One> 0 Idle" line instead, unless a DEFAULT
Idle Banner has also been created.
"Long Who" - The "WHO" Command:
~~~~~~~~ ~~~
- Contains all "Short" and "Normal" information, PLUS:
- Last Call Date.
- Gender of User (Male or Female)[Color Coded Blue or Red]
- Time Used Online TODAY (in Minutes)
- The User's 3-Line "Glimpse" file.
- A History Flag "*" Telling which Users Have History Files, which are
text files of up to 20-Lines!
-- Written by Dotoran of Frontiers --
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
2310 1042 54.8% 01-Oct-96 13:39:10 +!READ_ME_NOW!
369 76 79.4% 19-Jun-96 09:05:00 +_Banners
229 161 29.6% 23-Aug-96 19:43:26 +_Glimpse
256 180 29.6% 19-Jun-96 09:05:00 +_History
28362 8344 70.5% 30-Sep-96 21:51:52 +Config
657 187 71.5% 30-Sep-96 21:46:54 +Config.Data
384 183 52.3% 26-Aug-96 11:10:16 +IdlePorts
940 395 57.9% 30-Sep-96 21:31:06 +Loader
14287 5160 63.8% 30-Sep-96 21:47:04 +Long
17227 5207 69.7% 30-Sep-96 21:46:22 +MakeWho
5390 2412 55.2% 30-Sep-96 21:47:00 +Normal
4632 2163 53.3% 30-Sep-96 21:50:42 +Short
2264 1049 53.6% 30-Sep-96 22:02:18 +Upgrade265
24432 9629 60.5% 01-Oct-96 11:38:22 +WHO_HISTORY!.text
1030 467 54.6% 01-Oct-96 13:59:12 !Frontiers
25591 9947 61.1% 01-Oct-96 12:16:12 +WHO_HISTORY!.guide
45147 16980 62.3% 01-Oct-96 13:55:00 +WHO_README!.guide
37215 14101 62.1% 01-Oct-96 13:56:08 +WHO_README!.text
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
210722 77683 63.1% 29-Oct-96 15:30:14 18 files